Talks (Lectures)

Watch Professor Trebino's colloquium talk, complete with narration (77MB). This ~50-minute talk is a nice introduction to the Trebino group's work.

Another fully narrated talk (48MB) covers more recent work on the measurement of the complete spatio-temporal electromagnetic field of an arbitrary pulse.


Note:  These lectures were created using Microsoft Power Point 2010/365 for Windows and run best using it, but they should look fine in Power Point 2011 for the Mac.


If you're running Windows and don't have Power Point, just download Power Point Viewer, which is free from Microsoft.


The equations were generated using MathType.  If you're having trouble seeing them, try double-clicking each equation and then immediately closing it, which reformats it.  If that doesn't work, it's probably because you don't have the font MT Extra or Edwardian Script ITC. In that case, download the file "Extra Fonts Needed for Lectures" from the Administrivia folder and opening it. This MS Word file will automatically install its fonts into your system, which should work (unlike Power Point files, which don't). In any case, consider obtaining MathType; it's only about $50, and you'll be able to see and edit all the equations. Alternatively, you can enjoy a thirty-day free trial of it, and, after thirty days, the required fonts will remain in your system even if you don't buy it; the equations should look fine forever after, but you won't be able to edit all of them.


You can also play these lectures on an iPad or Android tablet, but the various Office apps (including Power Point itself!) won't deal correctly with the equations (font issues again...).  At least they can be run off-line, once downloaded.


For a Mac, we recommend that you purchase a virtual-computer simulator, like Parallels.  Then install Windows and MS Office for Windows.  This allows you to run Macintosh and Windows simultaneously.  It's awesome--it offers the best of both Windows and Mac worlds, and, surprisingly, it works well and is actually not difficult to do.  Everyone should do this if you can afford to do so.


As a last resort, note that the files reside on the Microsoft OneDrive, so you can simply use the version of Power Point that's built into it, but it requires Internet access, and, oddly, the equations and animations don't work very well.


In addition, the Optics lectures are also translated into Spanish, French, and Chinese.


Prof. Trebino continually updates and improves most of the English-version lectures.  So, if you plan to use them to teach a course, be sure to download the latest version just prior to doing so.


If you send any improvements, corrections, or additions to Prof. Trebino, he will incorporate them into the files.  And please let him know if you're using them, and share with him your experiences using them.  Thanks!


Finally, the Fair Use Doctrine allows for the non-commercial use of the images and gifs in these lectures.  And we have made every effort to cite and credit those responsible for them.  If we have accidentally or incorrectly cited (or not cited) your image or gif, please let us know, and we will fix this as soon as possible.

Professor Trebino is also happy to share his research and complete-course lectures with you.  You have permission to use them for your course or other non-commercial application.

Optics Course

Modern Physics Course

Ultrafast Optics Course

Research Talks & Short Courses

Nonlinear Optics Course